Friday, July 31, 2015

Rawa Pening, Semarang, Jawa Tengah

Rawa Pening, nama ini begitu terkenal dan legendaries di dalam kisah-kisah cerita rakyat Jawa, khususnya Jawa Tengah. Adalah sebuah daerah cekungan diantara gunung-gunung Ungaran, Telomoyo, serta Merbabu.

Rawa Pening
Rawa, umumya kita kenal sebagai dataran yang selalu digenangi air. Biasanya kita mengenal rawa di daerah dataran rendah di pinggir laut dan ditumbuhi pohon bakau. Jadi, wajar jika anda agak sedikit heran jika menemui kenyataan bahwa Rawa Pening bukanlah daerah pantai, tetapi ia justru terletak di tengah-tengah pulau Jawa. Dan Rawa Pening tidaklah ditumbuhi pohon bakau, melainkan enceng gondok dan lumut, dua-duanya lebih tepat disebut sebagai gulma (tanaman pengganggu) ketimbang tanaman endemic yang memiliki nilai ekonomi atau simbiosis mutualism dengan habitatnya.
Rawa Pening, foto udara google

Sejak jaman dahulu, sebagian besar permukaan Rawa Pening dipenuhi oleh enceng gondok. Kini, selain enceng gondok, pemandangan yang juga mendominasi permukaan rawa adalah bambu-bambu struktur Karamba milik masyarakat.

Rawa Pening, perahu dan enceng gondok
Jadi, Rawa Pening sejatinya adalah sebuah danau yang memiliki luas lebih dari 2600 Ha. Danau alami seluas itu, dibatasi oleh kebon, hutan atau sawah-sawah. Dan memiliki latar belakang gunung-gunung, jelas menjanjikan pemandangan yang menakjubkan serta pengalaman yang mengesankan bagi siapa saja yang mendatanginya dan menjelajahinya, apalagi bagi masyarakat kota yang hari-harinya diisi dengan kesibukan yang monoton dan melelahkan pikiran.

Rawa Pening, Karamba
Rawa Pening sebenarnya bisa diakses dari sisi mana saja. Tetapi untuk kemudahan dan kenyamanan sebaiknya anda menjelajahi danau ini lewat starting point “Kampoeng Rawa”. Kampoeng Rawa bukanlah sebuah kampung yang dihuni oleh sekelompok masyarakat, tetapi ia hanyalah sebuah nama dari lokasi wisata yang baru dibangun tahun 2012, seiring dengan pembangunan jalan lingkar selatan Ambarawa.

Kampoeng Rawa, dermaga perahu wisata

Kampoeng Rawa, terletak persis disisi kiri jalan lingkar luar arah Bawen – Ambarawa.  Sebagai tempat tujuan wisata, Kampoeng Rawa memiliki fasilitas yang cukup lengkap bagi keluarga, antara lain restoran Apung, lesehan dipinggir sawah dan menghadap ke kolam pancing, arena outbound, arena permainan anak-anak sampai ATV. Tetapi yang paling penting adalah, Kampoeng Rawa memiliki dermaga perahu wisata, dan menyewakan perahu bermesin kepada pengunjung yang ingin menjelajahi danau. Kampoeng Rawa telah membangun sebuah kanal yang cukup lebar untuk menuju ke tengah danau, sehingga semakin lengkaplah kemudahan fasilitas yang anda butuhkan disini.

Dengan tarif 110 ribu rupiah, kita bisa menjelejahi danau selama kurang lebih 30 menit. Perahu yang cukup besar ini bisa diisi sampai 8 orang. Terasa masih lapang bagi kami sekeluarga yang hanya 5 orang.

Rawa Pening, kanal buatan
Rawa Pening, kanal buatan
Rawa Pening, kanal buatan
Rawa Pening, kanal buatan, bebek
Perjalanan dimulai dengan menelusuri kanal yang berair kecoklatan karena bercampur tanah sawah. Perahu meluncur tenang mengikuti kanal. Enceng gondok dalam ukuran yang kecil-kecil mulai memenuhi kanal. Perahu-perahu kecil banyak disandarkan dipinggir kanal, atau di letakkan diatas dinding kanal. Beberapa kelompok bebek berkeliaran disini, sepertinya milik warga sekitar.

Rawa Pening, menembus enceng gondok
Kanal mulai berbelok kearah kanan, dan diujung sana pemandangan Gunung Ungaran dengan Latar belakang Gunung Sumbing mulai memukau kami. Perahu terus meluncur mengikuti kanal lalu berbelok ke kiri, dan enceng gondok semakin lama semakin padat memenuhi kanal. Gulma ini mungkin terbawa arus dari tengah-tengah danau.

Rawa Pening, dan enceng gondok
Rawa Pening, happy family

Air danau sudah mulai jernih, tak berwarna coklat lagi, dan saya tak bisa menandai dimana sebenarnya batas ujung kanalnya. Tiba-tiba enceng gondok ada dimana-mana, sejauh mata memandang yang terlihat hanya enceng gondok. Seolah-olah ini bukanlah danau, tapi hutan enceng gondok. Perahu ini tetap maju menembus rimbunnya enceng gondok. Saya agak khawatir sebenarnya, takut baling-baling mesin perahu macet tersangkut enceng gondok, tetapi Pak Sukri si pengemudi perahu rupanya terlihat tenang, dia tentu sudah paham karakter danau ini dan tahu bagaimana menembus dan mengatasi enceng gondok. Sungguh sebuah sensasi tersendiri, berperahu menembus hamparan enceng gondok, sampai kami akhirnya berada di tengah-tengah danau yang berair bening, tenang dan luas.

Rawa Pening dan Gunung Merbabu
Rawa Pening dan Gunung Sumbing, dan Ungaran
Di kejauhan deretan karamba dengan bambu-bambunya yang menjulang diatas air tampak seperti hutan bambu kering. Gunung Telomoyo dilatarbelakangi oleh gunung Merbabu indah menghias disisi timur. Sementara disisi yang lain gunung ungaran tampak begitu anggun. Gunung sumbing dan gunung Sindoro samar-samar juga terlihat di kejauhan. Saya tak ingin kehilangan moment untuk mengabadikan pemandangan yang terhampar disini.

Rawa Pening, peace
Senyap, tenang… hembusan angin ditengah terik siang itu bersatu padu melingkupi pikiran kami. Hanya suara motor perahu yang bergerak pelan yang terdengar ditelinga kami. Ingin rasanya, seharian berada ditengah-tengah danau ini. suasananya sungguh syahdu…

Perahu-perahu dari pengunjung yang lain terlihat melintas di sisi yang lain, mereka mungkin merasakan kenikmatan yang sama seperti yang saya rasakan.

Rawa Pening dan Gulma
Saya membayangkan, seandainya danau ini dibersihkan dari semua gulma, tentu permukaan air danau ini akan tampak jauh lebih luas. Dan menyajikan pemandangan yang lebih indah dan menakjubkan. Disamping itu, bisa dimanfaatkan untuk kegiatan olah raga air seperti dayung, kano, speed boat, ski air dll.

Rawa Pening, sungguh menyimpan potensi yang luar biasa untuk dikembangkan menjadi daerah tujuan wisata alternative di Jawa Tengah, apalagi daerah disekitarnya adalah daerah tourist destination yang sudah lebih dulu ada dan memiliki iklim yang sejuk. Seperti daerah Ungaran dan Bandungan, dimana disana terdapat kelompok candi Gedong Songo. Juga Bawen yang memiliki kawasan agro wisata “Kampoeng Kopi Banaran”.  Ambarawa yang menyimpan sejarah masa perjuangan repubik ini, juga ada Museum kereta api Ambarawa. Ke arah Magelang sudah dekat dengan Candi Borobudur. Ke arah Solo dekat dengan dengan candi Prambanan. Maka tinggal menunggu niat dan kesungguhan pemangku wilayah Jawa Tengah untuk merubah potensi besar ini menjadi sebuah kenyataan…
Tak terasa, perahu ini sudah meluncur balik kearah dermaga pemberangkatan. Sudah hampir 30 menit kami menjelajahi danau ini, rasanya sangat singkat, tapi kami semua senang dan puas dengan pengalaman berperahu disini. kami berpapasan dengan seorang nelayan yang dengan tenangnya mendayung perahunya yang kecil, Ia berharap rejeki dari Rawa Pening.  Semoga Pak Nelayan ini mendapat ikan yang banyak.

Tak lupa, kami makan siang di lesehan Kampoeng Rawa, sambil duduk memandangi sawah yang sudah mengering karena habis dipanen, serta mengamati kesibukan orang-orang yang begitu banyak di liburan kali ini, menjadi hiburan tersendiri. Sambil menunggu makanan, kami sempatkan berfoto di tengah sawah yang sudah kering, sepertinya baru di panen. Langit biru berhias awan putih, hamparan sawah bekas panen yang masih terlihat hijau dan kuning, dan jauh disana puncak gunung Sumbing disentuh awan, landscape yang sempurna untuk sessi photo.
sayang sekali cuaca siang itu tidak benar-benar cerah, sehingga gunung-gunung Sumbing, Sindoro atau Merbabu tidak menampakkan wajahnya dengan sempurna.
Rawa Pening, sawah
Beberapa orang yang pernah berkunjung kesini, merekomendasikan kepada saya untuk datang lagi lain waktu, diluar musim liburan dan dipagi hari untuk mengabadikan sunrise dan nelayan setempat yang sedang menjaring ikan, wow, sepertinya luar biasa….

Anda yang tinggal di kota-kota sekitar Rawa Pening, seperti Semarang misalnya, beruntunglah…., dan bagi Anda  yang belum pernah berkunjung ke Rawa Pening, segera rencanakan berlibur kesini. Hanya kurang lebih satu jam saja dari kota Semarang.

Sampai jumpa lagi Rawa Pening….

Thursday, July 30, 2015

300 Traveling Indonesia: Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah

300 Traveling Indonesia: Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah: Inilah Land Mark baru kota Semarang. Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah. Masjid terbesar dan termegah di Jawa Tengah,...

Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah

Inilah Land Mark baru kota Semarang.

Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah

Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah. Masjid terbesar dan termegah di Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Penggunaannya diresmikan oleh Presiden Republik Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudoyono pada tanggal 14 November 2006. Dibangun diatas lahan seluas 10 Ha. Menelan biaya hampir 200 Milyar rupiah. Bangunan induk untuk sholat seluas 7.669 meter persegi. Sementara keseluruhan lahan milik Masjid seluar hampir 120 Ha.

Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah
Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah
Dengan areal lahan seluas itu, masih terbuka kemungkinan dikembangkan untuk keperluan apapun baik yang sifatnya social, ekonomi maupun pendidikan. Bahkan pariwisata. Misalnya untuk sekolah, pesantren, universitas, rumah sakit, dll.

Foto Udara Google
Bangunan Masjid dan kawasannya memang dipersiapkan selain untuk tempat ibadah, juga untuk tujuan Wisata, ketika kami sekeluarga mengunjungi Masjid ini pada lebaran 2015 lalu, terlihat begitu banyak pengunjung. Mereka datang dari berbagai kota, terlihat dari plat nomor mobil yang diparkir.

Kawasan Masjid ini, juga memiliki dua bangunan besar di sebelah kiri dan kanannya. Untuk penginapan dan untuk ruang serbaguna seperti pesta pernikahan dll. Plaza yang luas berlantai keramik, diatasnya berdiri 6 tiang payung raksasa setinggi 20 meter dan berdiameter 14 meter, yang bisa dibuka dan tutup seperti halnya di Masjid Nabawi, Medinah. Plaza ini dikelilingi 25 menara bergaya seperti koloseum khas Romawi kuno.

Arsitekturnya kombinasi antara Jawa tercirikan dari atap limas dengan genting berwarna merah, 4 menara masjid dengan tinggi 62 meter khas Timur Tengah, serta 25 Pilar bergaya koloseum khas Romawi. 25 pilar ini melambangkan 25 rosul dalam Islam. Juga ada satu menara yang dinamakan Menara Al Husna atau Asmaul Husna setinggi 99 meter. Angka 99 melambangkan 99 nama Allah atau Asmaul Husna.

Menara Al Husna, Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah
Menara Alhusna memiliki lantai dasar yang luas, difungsikan sebagai studio radio Dais (Dakwah Islam), ada museum kebudayaan Islam di lantai 2 dan 3. Kafe Muslim di lantai 18 yang bisa bergerak berputar 360 derajad. Serta ruang pandang di lt 19 dilengkapi dengan 5 teropong.

Secara umum masjid yang sudah berumur hampir 10 tahun ini terlihat begitu indah dan megah, siapapun akan terkagum-kagum ketika pertama kali melihatnya. Namun ketika kami berkeliling di lingkungan Masjid, keadaanya sungguh menyedihkan, tak seindahnya tongkrongannya jika dilihat dari jauh atau dari foto. Tembok retak-retak dan kusam terlihat di sebagian besar tembok luar yang ada. Juga tembok yang hitam berlumut bekas rembesan air. Seperti tampak pada foto dibawah ini.

Keramik atau ornament yang terlepas dari tempatnya, lantai yang kotor dan berdebu. Kami sempat melihat sampah yang menumpuk dan sudah membusuk dan menghitam di salah satu sudut plaza, jelas sekali tak pernah dibersihkan.

Begitu juga lantai parkir bawah tanah, gelap dan pengap. Serta kotor dan berdebu. Pipa-pipa saluran air diatap ruang parkir itu, selain kotor dan berdebu, juga karatan. Begitu juga peralatan hydrant. Atau tanaman-tanaman yang tak terawat, bahkan kering dan mati. Tanaman yang seharusnya menjadi penghias dan menyedapkan mata, malah menjadi merusak nuansa. Juga instalasi AC, blower yang diletakkan dilantai, kabel blower yang terpasang tak memperhatikan estetika gedung.

Keramik lantai pecah, Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah

Dinding Batu atau Ornament yg hilang, Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah

Hydrant kotor dan karatan, Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah

Tanaman kering dan mati, Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah

Retak-retak, Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah
Sedih dan prihatin, itulah yang saya rasakan ketika mendapati keyataan ini. Saya tak melihat satupun petugas kebersihan yang bekerja untuk merawat bangunan ini. Seperti halnya yang sering kita lihat di Mal-Mal. Bahkan menurut pengamatan saya, stasiun kereta api pun lebih serius dalam melakukan perawatan bangunan. Padahal ini adalah komplek Masjid, tempat suci. Dimana kebersihan dan keindahan adalah nilai-nilai utama dalam agama yang sangat tinggi dijunjung. Saya membayangkan, seandainya Ganjar Pranowo, Gubernur Jateng blusukan kesini apakah dia akan merasakan hal yang sama seperti yang saya rasakan ?. Mendapati bangunan yang adalah Land Mark Jawa Tengah, tempat suci, tourist destination, wajah Jawa Tengah, dibangun dengan biaya 200 Milyar, tidak dirawat dengan cara yang semestinya….

Seyogyanya komplek Masjid ini dikelola dan diurus kebersihannya dengan standard bintang lima. Semoga para pemangku kepentingan komplek Masjid ini segera menyadari dan lebih peduli, dan segera memperbaiki keadaan yang tidak menguntungkan ini.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Kopi Semawis

Maybe you've just heard this name, yes ... Kopi (coffee)  Semawis.

Situation of the Kopi Semawis Festival
Do not be mistaken, this is not a coffee product. Kopi Semawis is stands for “Komunitas Pecinan Semarang Wisata” or “Chinese Community Semarang's Tourism”. Exist after reformation Era. Along with the changing of political situation in the country of Indonesia. Openness in politics has allowed other than indigenous identity emerged revealing its existence. It is a good thing, however, there have been Chinese in Indonesia and coloring culture for along time, even since the days of Mojopahit,Kingdom or earlier.
Kopi Semawis Festival
Kopi Semawis is a kind of festival that is held every weekend at Chinatown, in the city of Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. Precisely in Gang Warung or Warung Alley, actually more accurately described as Jalan Warung or Warung Street, because the road is quite wide, even enough for two cars to pass each other.  When the festival held, this street is filled with stalls at the left and right. The festival is held from the afternoon until midnight, and dominated by food stalls. Various menus available here, oriental and local. Containing pork and the Halal one. There also are selling toys, school supplies, accessories, etc. Also typical of a traditional massage. There is also a fortune teller who are ready to open your secret.
The tents are yellow with red color combination. Rectangular tents and marked with Warung Se Semawis on it, lined up neatly on the road along the Gang Warung.. Chairs and plastic tables neatly laid out beside the road that are not installed with tents. Strains of melodious voice of women who sing songs mandarin helped decorate the atmosphere that night.
So many people visiting the festival that night, I met some people who come from out of town, they stay at the same hotel with me, they deliberately come here to look directly Kopi Semawis festival. This festival is unique, the feel of Chinatown are strong, seen from the majority of sellers and visitors, but many indigenous people also visit here, and enjoy the food sold in tents. Even some of them are using hijab. They all blend into one.
Tjiang Residence
Kopi Semawis has become the city's official tourism agenda in Semarang. Chinese nuance became an attraction in itself. If you want to feel the atmosphere of Chinatown, come here and I heartily recommend staying at Tjiang Residence, located in Gang Pinggir, right at the end of Gang Warung, where the festival is held. Tjiang Residence is a guest house with typical Chinese name, this may be the only guset house in the name of Chinese and Chinese architecture and has a chinese atmosphere, just in Semarang, or even in Indonesia.
Tjiang Residence
Hotel which occupies a two-storey shop is actually relatively small. The front view and the interior have Chinese-style architecture. The red color dominate the building. Typical of Chinese buildings, bringing an atmosphere as if we were not in Indonesia. A new experience for me, very impressive.
Front office of Tjiang Residence
Chinatown area is the old town, dense, almost original buildings are gone, replaced by a high storey shop. Cars parked along the sides of the road, day or night, apparently the cars belonging to residents who live in this area. They do not have a garage. Guests staying at Tjiang Residence also parked their vehicles along this Gang Pinggir.
There was one German tourists who stay in Tjiang Residence, named Sebastian, I ask why do you stay here?, he answer, because the unique name of this hotel. And How do you know this hotel?, He replied searching on google ..., ah ... it seems the same to me ...
In addition to its affordability, another reason why I stay here is because of the uniqueness of the name of hotel

Hope it is useful for you who wants to travel Semarang..

Friday, July 3, 2015

Muaro Jambi (The Largest BuddhistTemple Complex in Asia) - part 2

Tinggi Temple, Muaro Jambi
Back on bike, towards Tinggi Temple (Tinggi means high), located east side of Gumpung Temple, not far, approximately 300 meters away. There is a large tree in the yard, making the landscape more exotic. The height position  of the surface of land at Tinggi Temple area  is approximately one meter higher than the surrounding ground level, and bounded by a fence made of red brick (like on Gumpung Temple), so the ground outside the fence is lower than the surface of the ground in the fencing. It’s different with Gumpung Temple, the ground outside and inside is relatively the same.

Tinggi temple occupies an area of 2.92 hectares. There is one main building called Tinggi Temple, and there are six support buildings. Tinggi temple was restored in 1980 – 1982 so that we can enjoy the form today. The main building or what is known as Tinggi Temple has an area of 16 X 16 square meters, with a height of 7.6 meters. Meaning that the highest Temple among the others. The other buildings spread around  Tinggi Temple. There is a fairly large supporting building, located on the north side, the bottom of the building or the foundation looks so clear and strong, but at the top just stay composed of red brick ruins mounting, did not show a clear form. There is also a stupa-shaped building as high as adults, located next to the left and right of Tinggi Temple, but these two stupa have different design, which is a round shape like a stupa at Borobudur, and the other shaped just like box and a little fatter and taller.

Tinggi Temple, Muaro Jambi
When I arrived at Tinggi Temple, a lot of people here, more than the one I met at Gumpung Temple, they even climb up to the top of the temple. I wonder why there is no prohibition stepped temple?, Whereas the red brick is fragile, not as strong as stone as what we may see at Borobudur Temple. Besides, the age of the Temple that considered more than 1000 years certainly increased the vulnerability. Mostly they just look around and take pictures, and some have only resting and lie on the grass at backyard of the Temple. The atmosphere is cozy, shaded by large trees outside the fence. Large trees were part of the forest that surrounds the complex of Muaro Jambi Temple.

Tinggi Temple and little Stupa
Tinggi Temple, Muaro Jambi
I cannot wait until the Temple is empty, because they come and go. Perhaps because it is clearly Tinggi Temple shape is more beautiful, more varied, not as rigid as Gumpung Temple. So it has more attraction for visitors. I immediately took position and photographing Tinggi Temple from various angles, until I was satisfied. I won’t forget the support Temple, the one that widest and mounting pile of red bricks.   Then I shifted towards the north, towards the Tinggi Temple 1 that no longer high (Tinggi).

There is no detailed explanation about Tinggi Temple 1. How wide the main building, ancillary buildings, total area of its area, when restored, and so forth. Only informed that the results of the research,  based on the shape of red brick on the inside, concluded that this temple has experienced expansion, just like Tinggi Temple at its side. I think the height of Tinggi Temple 1 is slightly higher than adults, the size of the area is less than Tinggi Temple, and the shape is simple, a rectangular shape. There is a little building in front and form the stairs as the entrance to the Temple buildings.  I found another form of building, even smaller, at the east side of the main building, which is now remaining base, covering a small area. As well as another one adjacent to the east, smaller, rectangular, who now even just a sort of fence as high as approximately 20 cm. and inside the fence filled with sand, no floor of red brick.

Tinggi 1 Temple, Muaro Jambi
Broken Brick at Tinggi Temple 1
This temple is not so high, and there is ladder at eastern side, which up to the upper surface of the temple, causing people who visit tend to climb up to the top of the temple, and step on the floor or the top of the temple. As I see it this time. I am concerned about the situation, once again because of this red brick is fragile, not as strong as stone.  And sure enough, I found a red brick shards at one end of the ladder, lying on the ground. Seeing the former fracture, and fragments, obviously just occurred. I imagine what just happened, someone who is not careful when up or down the stairs, causing the red brick broke and fell, and he ignored it. How can we possibly have this bad attitude towards heritage?. I picked up pieces of red brick, and put it again in position, he would fall again if anyone stepped on or nudged, it may even be broken again into smaller pieces. Hopefully it does not happen.

Back on bike, towards Batu Kembar Temple or “the Twin Stone Temple”.  At an intersection, mounted signposts, in front of two empty stalls, maybe it stalls abandoned. To the left there is the Astano Temple, is 1.1 km away. Sialang Temple, is 1.8 km away. Pondok Duren, a plantation site about 800 meters. I have not enough time to visit all places, I decided to opt into the right direction, written on signposts, there is a twin temple stone within 232 meters, and an ancient canal within 800 meters. Down the road that has been cemented width of approximately 1.5 meters. Quite comfortable, if I have enough time, I prefer to walk.

OTW Batu Kembar Temple

Batu Kembar Temple, Muaro Jambi
Batu Kembar temples surrounded by canals that still looks firm, but there was no water that flooded it. Also there is barbed wire. On inner side of the canal looks red brick mixed with soil, seems like this canal walls made of red brick. I'm look around the temple site with cycling, and stopped in front of the entrance to the Twin Temple Stone. I call the entrance because there is space width of approximately 1 meter that not hindered by barbed wire. This is the Batu Kembar Temple, named so perhaps because there are three buildings that looks almost the same, and there is one more brick ruins that have no longer visible shape. Also there is the small size floor or base that likely there is a building on it. In general, this temple is much simpler form than the two temples that have been seen before. Not too high, just a square, it has narrowed section so as to form a pyramid, plus the additional building steps. Brick color was already dark and dull. But the red brick fence that surrounds it still looks sturdy and nice shape.

The sun is already leaning towards the west, the air was hot and humid, my little towel has been too wet  as sweat continued to pour out of my body. Lucky me, in front of the entrance of Batu Kembar Temple, there are two stalls, or rather I call the plot. Small wooden rods support the roof is made of plastic just to shelter from sun and rain. It is disharmony with the temple building. In general plot is of course disturbing the aesthetic of the site. But I am grateful because I can enjoy the fresh squeezed sugarcane juice plus ice, so freshening. I ordered another glass, enough to overcome thirst.

The Management of  Muaro Jambi temple is need to think about the needs of visitors. Anyone who is cycling, or walk up here, would be tired and thirsty. Because of the distance is quite far, and the air is hot and humid. If there are resting places and representative stalls, with a design that harmoniously to the surrounding environment, it will certainly add to the beauty, plus provide comfort for visitors. In addition of course, to benefit the local communities who manage the stalls.

Ancient Canal, Muaro Jambi
Satisfied enjoy the juice of sugar cane, I continued to walk towards the ancient canal which passes not far from this stall. I left the bike, the stall keeper said safe. Approximately 100 meters eastward stall, I found the canal, there is a  staircase made of wood down the slopes of the canal, about 4 meters deep. Does not look like a canal or artificial river, canal walls filled with shrubs and trees, and the canal itself filled with water hyacinths. I can’t see any water flow there. Canal width may be about 7 or 8 meters. I think it's spectacular. At that time, with a simple technology, humans have thought to build a canal that is sufficiently deep and wide. I don’t know how many kilometers in length, and how long were made, and how much manpower to do it. As a comparison, the east flood canal in Jakarta, had been talked, plan, and work it about many years ago, newly accomplished in the era of Jokowi, and even then with the help of today's technology, using heavy equipment etc. and at a cost that is fantastic. Thus, the temple complex of Muaro Jambi which covers more than 200 square kilometers, is supported by canals, is a remarkable achievement of this nation.

A bit longer I dwell here, contemplate and imagine the atmosphere of the past, the boats crossing the canal, stop, someone got off the boat up the canal wall and towards the temple to worship, how calm…. I immediately left the canal, take a bike, and do not forget to pay fresh sugarcane juice. I stopped briefly, and photographing signs and information boards installed in front of the Kembar Batu Temple. Clearly these two objects unkempt, dull, white base color was even blackened. And information boards made of white tarpaulin, even had chipped on top of it. Sad to see… Especially if what stall keeper said is true, many foreign tourists who visit here. What about the minds of the tourists there?, Of this nation who are not good at taking care of. In fact, we insist on asking Unesco, making this Muaro Jambi Temple Complex as a world cultural heritage.

Prajnaparamita statue


official, explain about the site plan

ceramics from ancient China
 Back to bike again, leave Kembar Batu Temple toward the Museum, a place where ancient goods and stuffs are kept, discovered during the excavation of the temples. This museum was cramped by children, teenagers and mothers who mixed together. They are cool to listen to museum officials. Middle-aged man is seriously tells the history of the temple of Muaro Jambi, pointing to a large map, a site plan of the temple complex. I am more focused to see the various relics are exhibited. There were glassware, pottery and ceramics are made from patterned ancient Chinese, who are no longer perfect. There were Makara, and Arca, including the statue of Prajnaparamita which has no head. Gadjah Arca. Arca Gadjah Singha, are no longer intact, was found in Gedong II. Some Padmasana (holder Arca). Some small stone pieces, from white andesite stone, it appears there beside ornament. There is a stone pedestal, and Padmasana stone shaped like a stone pedestal but with a much larger size. Everything is made of andesite stone, but there are also Padmasana made of brick.

I am interested in some Padma stone, shaped like a mortar or in Java as a place to pound rice that made of wood. Padma stone is found in Gedong I in 1998. At the outer edge there is a carving or sculpture petal lotus flower (lotus). It turns out this thing is not as rice pestle, as I'd thought. Based on the information available, the object is associated with Buddhist ritual activities.

Little Stupa
In front of the museum, there are 6 pieces small stupa, which is made of brick, neatly arranged, three stupas on the left and the rest on the right. Some bigger stupas are arranged in a row following the BRC fence surrounding a land, which is still in the process of excavation. This land is protected by pavilion building, this may important findings but is still in the research process, so it should be fenced to avoid damage to the site.

An inscription signed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, displayed in front of the museum. Inscription made of black granite, it is in order to officially launch the establishment of Muara Jambi Temple Complex, as an integrated tourism area of history, on 22 September 2011.

Muaro Jambi, become more important after the findings and the historical study by experts. Excavation and research continues to be done may be able to change our understanding of history of the archipelago. To this day the experts from UI (University of Indonesia) which has been researching the area Muaro Jambi Temple COmplex, believes that this is where the first center of Srivijaya Kingdom.

While other studies in the coastal river of Musi, also believes that the first center of Srivijaya kingdom was there.

Based on historical records, the news from the Arab country, stating that the center of the Kingdom of Srivijaya was in Kampar river estuary, near the Muara Takus, Riau Province, Sumatera, Indonesia. Inscription of Kedukan Bukit also indicate this.

Researcher from Europe even more extreme, stating that the center of the Kingdom of Srivijaya was in Thailand, precisely in Ch'aiya. The reason is there are more prevalent in the ancient relics compare to the Palembang. Also because of the similarity of a name of a hill that is sivic'ai, phonetically similar to Sriwijaya. Thailand is so fierce this claim, to the extent that the name of the new International Airport in Bankok named Swarnabhumi, while we understand Swarnabhumi is another name of mainland Sumatra formerly known as Sriwijaya.

Other expert say that the center of the kingdom of Srivijaya was originally on the east coast of Malaysia. Do Malaysia Will follow Thailand ? Claiming that Sriwijaya Kingdom is in Malaysia ? not enough batik, wayang, Pendet and reog are in the claims…

Hopefully, historians and archaeologists are active in researching heritage sites of Srivijaya Kingdom. So we were able to prove to the world, Srivijaya was Archipelago, is Indonesia. The founders of this Nation have made historical grandeur of Srivijaya and Majapahit as a reference of the Unitary of the Republic of Indonesia.