Saturday, June 20, 2015

Gedong Songo Temple, Semarang, Central Java

Known as the relic dynasty of Syailendra, built in the 9th century, a Hindu-style temple is quite unique, located on the top of hills, or at altitude, on the slopes of Mount Ungaran and divided in several groups temple. It's quite tiring to achieve it, because we have to climb up and down the hill. Thankfully the air here is very cool, so sweat dries quickly

Gedong 5 Temple
Gedong 5 temple
Located at an altitude of about 1200 meters above sea level, this temple complex seems to still continue to be renovated, when we arrived at parking area, parking location is still filled with a variety of building materials. The gate was clearly visible as the buildings are made in the modern era with the ancient architecture.

Gate, to enter the complex of Gedong Songo Tample
While nearly, signs of repair or restoration activities are visible at the temple area.  Hopefully Gedong Songo temple complex will be guarded into a historical tourist destination, so it is useful for learning the history of the ancestors, and become one of the nice place to be visit. Moreover, its location relative not too far to the Borobudur Temple (The Biggest Buddhist Temple in the world)  and Prambanan Temple (The most artistic Hindus Temple) that are already known globally.

Gedong 4 temple

Gedong 4 temple
It is said that this temple complex was first discovered in the 1800's, in the era of Rafless, and consecutively researched and restored in the days of the Dutch East Indies government until around 1930. Rafless first named Candi Pitoe (seven temple), now referred to as Gedong Songo, (nine buildings) but we only see the temple complex just 5 ??

Gedong 3 temple

Gedong 3 temple
Ticket to enter the temple complex is only 5 thousand rupiah per person (13 thousand rupiah equivalent to 1 US Dollar), while to come one after the temple complex can be done on foot, or hire a horse, with a rate of 50 thousand rupiah for a horse with one passenger. Each horse will be guided by the owner, while the owner will serve as a tour guide to us. While leading a horse owner will tell or explain details of the temple, or anything about the Temple or she will answer your questions.

ride a horse to temple complex

go to temple complex
I decided to walk in order to more freely to take photos, while four other family members rented a horse. To be honest I was not able to keep pace with the speed of the horse and its guide, though I push myself until breathe wheezing. I do not want to miss a moment, and then I force myself and ordered that do not split up and wait for me, when you had reached the location of the temples.
To steam heat location

Steam heat, comes out of the rock
Cottage, near the temple complex
In addition to the temple complex, there are also hot sulfur springs, located between  Gedong 3 and 4. The thick smoke billowing out of the slits stone with a hissing sound like a hissing sound coming out of the teapot or kettle cooking water if the water is boiling, while hot water coming out of here flowed into a permanent pond that was designed as an a hot water bath, supposedly hot bath sulfur from sources believed to cure various diseases

Gedong 2 temple
On a slope near Gedong 2 complex, being built cottages with wooden architecture for lodging, the ideal landscape located between pine trees and overlooking the valley, a perfect combination, very suitable for those seeking peace of nature, throwing stress. ., you can imagine how good relax in the lodge looked directly into temples and valleys and the hills in front of him, in a calm and cool air ...

Gedong 1 temple
In addition to Gedong Songo temple, we can visit Meseum Railway in Ambarawa, approximately 30 minutes away by car. In Semarang we could visit the Lawang Sewu, a Dutch heritage building that is located at the intersection of the monument, then may proceed to visit Sam Phoo Kong temple, a temple which exploits a famous Admiral Zheng He, then it could also proceed to visit the Great Mosque of Central Java , supposedly this is the grandest mosque in Central Java.

entrance gate
Notes of signs in location:

Details of history,
Located on the slopes of Mount Ungaran at coordinates 110 ° 20? 32.88 'east longitude and 7 ° 12'39.72 "south latitude, at sub-Village of Darum, Village Temple, District Bandungan, Semarang regency, Central Java Province, Gedong Songo  derived from the Javanese language “gedong”  (homes / buildings), and Songo (nine), and means nine (group) of the building. What this means is that in the complex from the outset consists of nine groups, or other means cannot be answered. But at the moment there are only five groups of buildings.
The temple complex was built in a row from the bottom to the top of the hills. This shows a very specific character that is a blend of two religions that are local (the belief in ancestral spirits) and global Hindu (Mount as the abode of the Gods). Both religions are standing equally in Gedongsongo, indicated by giving a new meaning to that place / offerings ancestral spirits who have become gods and rites were performed in the temple.
Statues of Hindu Gods in the temple complex which was built around the eighth century is no longer complete. Statues that can be found are Durga (Shiva's wife), Ganesha (son of Shiva). And Agastya (a sage who has spiritual abilities equivalent to god). As well as the guardian of Lord Shiva namely Nandiswara and Mahakala who served as gatekeeper Hindu temple.
Research and restoration history,
Loten, 1740 found the temple complex Gedongsongo.  Rafles, 1840 record the complex with the name Gedong Pitoe because only found seven groups of buildings. Van Braam make the publication in 1925. Friederich and Hoopermans write about Gedongsongo 1865. Van Stein Callenfels Knebel conduct an inventory of research and findings in the year 1910-1911.
Research by the Department of Antiquities in 1916. The Netherlands carried out later followed by 1 year of restoration Gedong Gedong II 1928/1929 and 1930/1931 years. Meanwhile, during the reign of the Republic of Indonesia, restoration on Gedong III, IV and V by SPSP (now Archaeological Heritage Preservation Bureau) Central Java in 1977-1983. In 2009 the restoration at Perwara Temple C1, and consolidation perwara temples C2, at Gedong IV complex, and remapping.

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